Our philosophy

While scrolling through our page, you´ve definitely seen the term magical ornamentalism or magical ornamentalists. You might be wondering what exactly does that mean. It is our own unique style which encompasses basically our entire artistic exploits. Name was chosen deliberately to capture not only its visual and materialistic aspect but also the spiritual and philosophical one, which we consider to be equally important. Spiritual father of this style is Jan Hachran, who is also behind the project called Slavs in pictures and poetry. He also came up with seven main pillars which thoroughly define magical ornamentalism:

1) To found an intersection between three worlds: the world of myths, legends, mysticism and esothery, the world of nature and the world of dreams, beauty and vision of human spirit
2) To make beautiful and esthetically pleasing art
3) To combine mysticism and spirituality with art
4) To alchymistically try to trasmute and generally elevate the humankind as a whole
5) To protect and promote Judeo-Christian-Antic culture and to make it well-known to everyone who is interested
6) To aim for all the objects that surround us to be as esthetically valuable as possible and in the perfect harmony witch each other
7) To support the patriotic values and to reflect such values in the art

Besides these main tenets of our artistic style, we have our motto, which describes us and our entire work in one sentence and is:  

„Ars scintilla pulchra est ex corde humano fulgore divino inspirationis excusa.“ (English: „Art is a beautiful spark shaken from a human heart by the Divine lightning of inspiration.“)  

We hope that you will also find these main points fullfilling. If you do and want to help us, please send us your suggestions on how to improve. We would appreciate that. You can also follow the Facebook page exclusively about magical ornamentalism - https://www.facebook.com/ magickyornamentalismus/.

The vision magical ornamentalism (silkscreen on gold foil; author: Jan Hachran)




Panslavic anthem