After finishing all the texts and illustrations, we would very much like to publish the book. How do we intend to manage that? In order to do that, we have a plan, that we are now going to present to you and which will, with little luck, help us fund this ambitious project. We will greatly appreciate every support.
If you look at the top bar of our page, you will most definitely see an e-shop button. As one of the first steps, we have decided to launch the e-shop, where we will offer our meticulously made and signed artworks from the planned book as well as from our other artistic activities. Money raised from this will be directly used to fund the publishing of the book.
We will do our best to get various sponsors to help us fund the book. We are currently discussing terms with a couple of companies, which are interested in supporting our project. We do not want anything free though, so there will be an opportunity for you at the end of the book, where we will thank you for your contribution as well as publish a short article about your company, all according to your wishes. You will also get a certain number of signed copies of our book. For additional information, please feel free to contact us. We also look forward to meeting you in person, where we can discuss mutually beneficial terms.
We also intend to contact certain clubs and societies, which are close to our ideas, such as Slavism, folk culture, traditions and traditional crafts as well as common goal to preserve the aforementioned ideas. The cooperation may be on a different basis each time and is subject to discussion with interested parties. We would be glad, if our project connected a lot of people with mutual thinking and ideas.
We would also like to use the option that basically presents itself. Our common goal is to use the culture and arts to build and strenghten the friendship between the Slavic nations so the subsequent process might lead to a very interesting cultural exchange between our nations. We would greatly appreciate any support from individual countries and if the book is successful, we would love to translate it and publish it abroad.
The best route you can take, when you want to publish the book is to contact individual publishers. The great advantage is that you basically don´t have to pay any costs associated with printing the book and advertising and distribution is also taken care of. Therefore, after at least part of the book is finished, this is the route we intend to take. This will involve meetings with several publishers where we present them our project in the best way we can. If we would manage to get a contract, we would be extremely happy. If that wouldn´t be the case, we would publish the book by ourselves. We will of course keep you updated.
Nowadays, there are many ways to fund your wildest ideas, which, couple of years ago would be very difficult. One of the possible ways is to use the services of various servers which specialize in so-called crowdfunding. The service basically lets you to post your project on the page and try to have it funded. Visually interesting main page of the project is neccesary to attract backers. These backers will, of course, need to be offered something in return. For example, if you want to fund the publishing of the book, the backer will in turn get the signed copy of the book with the personal mesage from the author. This is also our case, as we are going to offer not only books but even graphics from our e-shop, which will be featured in the book but also other artworks from our other artistic activities. We will organize the campaign even in case we will succesfully negotiate a deal with the publisher. The target figure, however, will be much smaller and intended to be used mainly on promotion of our project.